
The disintegration of the abbasid caliphate led to
The disintegration of the abbasid caliphate led to

the disintegration of the abbasid caliphate led to

Al-Mansur created a museum out of the severed heads of the Shi'ites in which the identity of those killed was mentioned and displayed below the severed heads. He killed a large number of Shi'ites (the followers of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (AS). Al-Mansur many times imprisoned Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (AS) and martryed the Sixth Holy Imam (AS) by poisoning in the year 148 A.H. and movement of al-Muqannah in the year 163 A.H. Like his elder brother Saffah he was a blood-thirsty person and annihilated all his opposition.Īl-Mansur crushed the uprising of Sanbad in the year 138 A.H., revolt of Astazsis in the year 151 A.H. He was a miserly person and there are many events related to his evil attribute and for his evil-habit he became famous as Dawaniqi and thus was called al-Mansur Dawaniqi. He deposed Isa bin Musa bin Muhammad bin Ali as his successor and in his place appointed al-Mahdi as his successor and took public allegiance for him. First he crushed the rebellion led by his uncle Abdullah bin Ali and assassinated Abu Muslim Khurasani. Al-Mansur became the Caliph soon after the death of his brother Saffah in 136 A.H. In the year 136 A.H., he was designated as the Amir al-Hajj and as his successor by Saffah. In the year 132 A.H., Saffah appointed him as the governor of Jazira, Azerbaijan and Armenia. During Saffah's caliphate he attained distinguished political positions.

the disintegration of the abbasid caliphate led to

He spent his childhood among the Bani-Hashim. His mother was a Berber slave named Salamah. Abu Jafar al-Mansur (136-158 A.H/ 754-775 A.D.)Ību Jafar Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Ali Abbasi was born in the year 101 A.H./ 709 A.D.

The disintegration of the abbasid caliphate led to