But it seems like there should be a better solution, so please let me know if you think of one. To plot a monitor mode diagram, youll need the gnuplot package (a freeware. To see what's wrong with simply using the "front" option as a fix, replace the first line with: set arrow 1 from 0,0,0 to 0,0,1 lw 2 frontĮdit: I realized after posting that this can be done with multiplot. I'm using a fine mesh so that the effect is clearly visible. Is there a way to do that (i.e., manually set the order in which curves and other objects are drawn)? If not, does anyone have a good workaround? (The only one I can think of is to draw the arrow manually using lines, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.) The obvious solution is to split the function drawing the cone into two halves and make the arrow in front of one curve and behind the other. But, viewed in perspective, the arrow should be in front of the back half of the cone, and behind the front half of the cone. If I add the "front" option to the arrow, it is displayed in front of the entire cone. 5,sqrt(3)/2 nohead front lt -1 lw 1 set arrow 2 from 0,0 to 1,0 nohead front lt -1 lw 1 set arrow 3 from 1,0 to. By default, the arrow is displayed behind the entire cone.
The only problem is that I can't figure out how to fit the arrow correctly into the 3D perspective of the picture. Sometimes we need to explain the meaning of a particular feature on the graph. I'm using gnuplot to draw a cone with an arrow pointing upwards through the cone's axis of symmetry. Adding a label with an arrow - gnuplot Cookbook Book Adding a label with an arrow Complex graphs can often benefit from information in addition to what can be provided in a title, in the axis labels, and a legend. The commands set arrow, set key, set label and set object allow you to draw something at an arbitrary position on the graph.